
This law firm started in 1913, when Dr. Isaac Cabezas Villalba graduated with the highest honors before the Tribunal of the Superior Court of Justice of Riobamba.

He later served as President of the Superior Judicial District Court that at the time included 19 provinces.
At his 50th graduation anniversary, the Ecuadorian Government awarded Dr. Isaac A. Cabezas the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit. While bestowing the award insignia the then President of the Republic Dr. Carlos Julio Arosemena Monroy, said:  “You, Dr. Cabezas, hold equity among other virtues; you are an integrally honest, vertically honest man. As someone who has practiced law in the Court of Justice of Guayaquil where you belong, I am highly pleased to bestow you with the Grand Cross, more than in my capacity of President of the Republic, as an attorney who has never heard of any doubt about your honor and verticality, Dr. Cabezas.”

Cabezas & Cabezas-Klaere is founded on principles. Its mission, accordingly, is to offer professional attorney services with full diligence, reliability, and ethics.

The provision of our legal knowledge is justly valued. Inspired on deontological principles and the historic teachings of morality, our law firm has never rejected assignments with merely symbolic compensations.

The corporate name of the firm that is conducted at present by Dr. Luis A. Cabezas Parrales has a broad tradition of excellence.
Guayaquil: Avenida 9 de Octubre 100 y Malecón, Edif. La Previsora, Suite 2407 
Phone Nos.: +5 (934) 231-3167, 232-0626
Quito: Catalina Aldaz No. 901 entre Portugal y Eloy Alfaro, Edif. La Recoleta, Suite 83
PO Box: 09015342 
Email: info@cabezas-klaere.com


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